I was first licensed as WN4EUU in 1961. My Original station was a Globe Chief crystal controlled transmitter with a Hallicrafter S-85 receiver.
Later I upgraded to Conditional (WA4EUU), then General. I also obtained the First Class Commercial with Broadcast Engineering and Ship Radar endorsements and worked for a variety of radio stations.
I moved to Moreno Valley, CA in 1989 where I worked as a trauma and Emergency Nurse until my recent retirement as a Nurse Educator.
My station consists of an ICOM-730 and Swan 500CX HF transceivers with a full wave 80m loop and ground planes for 10, 2, and 70cm. VHF equipment includes a Yaesu FT-2400 2m rig as well as Baofeng and a KT-8900D for 2m and 440.
I love digital and CW and can occasionally be found on the SSB nets.
My email is K6DR@Roadrunner.com